Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Chapter I

We began the evening by making introductions. Carl is playing Morpheus, an 8th Rank Human Ecclesiastic (Theurgy); Chad is playing Phylus, an unordered Gnome (Physique); Jeremy is playing Rhys, a 9th Rank Human Warrior-Monk (Unarmed Combat); and Mike is playing Loralask, a 9th Rank Human Elementalist (Geourgy).

Cast of Characters
Loralask, Human Elementalist (Geourgy), played by Mike
Morpheus, Human Ecclesiastic (Theurgy), played by Carl
Phylus, Unordered Gnome (Physique), played by Chad
Rhys, Human Warrior-Monk (Unarmed Combat), played by Jeremy

After the disaster at Dar-Shazzar, Morpheus and Phylus received word from an emissary that the King had been assassinated and Prince Karl Thrommel had acceded to the throne. Most importantly, the messenger (one Kallistos Halifirien) informed them that they were no longer under the protection of the Crown. Their task, if not complete, was now made impossible and they decided not to return to the Realm. They would encounter both Rhys and Loralask (separately) along the Old March Road in the Flat Rock region of the Borderlands. Having seen so many of their friends and colleagues killed (Durag, Grink, Thac0, Perun-Ydey) already, Morpheus and Phylus were reluctant to take them on, but a nighttime encounter with some halfling thugs quickly changed their minds.

The area known as the Borderlands is a barely civilized region sandwiched between the western marches of the Realm and the lands of the Eastmark (so-called because it lies to the east of the Great Kingdom). Getting to the Keep itself can be difficult -- it lies about 150 miles, or three days' hard riding, to the west of the Realm proper along rough wilderness tracks; and about 50 miles from the eastern reaches of the Eastmark through barren fields that are mostly unsettled. Still, in the area immediately around the Keep one can still see the vestiges of civilization -- a few small family farms, itinerant workers, wandering caravans, and the like.

The Keep is located along the Old March Road. Fifty miles to the east, the Old March Road joins the March Road, and this road extends for another 100 miles to the east, at which point it enters the Realm itself and becomes the King's Highway. Twenty miles to the west of the Keep, the Old March Road meets the March Road again, and from then on as one travels east the road is known as the River High Road and its track is closely marked by the course of the River Nemo.

Some leagues to the north of the Keep can be found the village of Stoneford Meade, and further north still the desolation of the Black Mountain.

South of Flat Rock one finds the Catfish Creek and its tributaries, and still further south the Hidden River (so called because its mouth at the Great River is concealed by dense foliage). Between the Catfish Creek and the Hidden River lies a lush but wild region called the Valley of the Greenleaves, or (colloquially) the Valley Green. There are swamps and fens surrounding the Catfish Creek, known to be extraordinarily dangerous.

The Keep is one of the holdings of John Richard, the Lord Smythe, and is administered for him by his Castellan, Sir Maldwyn. Smythe's arms are a red shield with two arms embowed holding a torch, above an arm holding a dagger; his motto is "Tenebras expellit et hostes" -- "He drives out the darkness and the foe." Smythe is a palatine noble and has so far resisted attempts by two nobles of the Eastmark, the Count Easmoor and the Marquis Talworth, to bind him to vassalage. In this he has the secret support of the Realm, which would rather not see Easmoor and Talworth extend their holdings to the east.